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The Ouroborus singles have been sighted in near-earth orbit!

It's true: when the second album was released, the final cut was 12 minutes of
The Ouroborus Variations. Among the seven movements, the standout rock Variation, Swollen Ego, was wedged between operatic clouds of fragrant space gas. And the dual-track of polyrhythmic Fifteen Til Midnight and the infamous Personality Defect, which merge into one another seamlessly, appeared just before the grand closing Variation. They are now available for isolated listening for spacefaring planets with short attention spans! Enjoy.


For you lo-fi consumers: have a listen to the above tracks on SoundCloud. Then grab a copy of the CD for a real treat. It's available on CDbaby as well as Syn-Phonic. You can also watch videos using these fine tracks and some groovy retro footage.

labet pc PJ1   rln classical 

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this was a lot of work!